(tame) hummed hopefully to others
(tame) hummed hopefully to others
Archive ID
18 ⅛"h x 29 ¾"w
Transcribed Text
Somebody up there likes us.

A hum came suddenly into his head. Which seemed to him a good hum such as is hummed hopefully to others. Pooh

Deep within every man there lies the dread of being alone in the world, forgotten by God, overlooked among the tremendous household of millions upon millions. That fear is kept away by looking upon all those about one who are bound to one as friends or family; but the dread is nevertheless there and one hardly dares think of what would happen to one if all the rest were taken away. Kierkegaard
Texto Transcrito
A alguien de allá arriba le agradamos.

Un zumbido vino de repente a su cabeza. Lo cual le pareció un buen tarareo como el que se tararea con esperanza a otros. Pooh

En lo profundo de cada hombre reside el temor de estar solo en el mundo, olvidado por Dios, pasado por alto entre la tremenda familia de millones y millones. Ese miedo se mantiene alejado al considerar a todos los que están unidos a uno como amigos o familiares; pero el pavor sigue ahí y uno apenas se atreve a pensar en lo que le sucedería a uno si se llevaran todos los demás. Kierkegaard